The Marion Gluck Clinic

The Pelvic Ultrasound Scan (PUS)

The pelvic ultrasound scan (PUS) is an important part of the assessment your BHRT specialist will undertake when deciding and reviewing your treatment plan. You can find out everything you need to know about our PUS on this page including why they are important, when to have one, what to expect and how you should prepare for yours.

Why do I need a PUS?

At Marion Gluck Clinic we work to balance your hormones to achieve optimal health and well being. The PUS is an important part of the assessment your BHRT specialist will undertake when deciding and reviewing your treatment plan. Although the PUS is not currently part of standard NHS care, our clinic protocols require all patients to have a PUS annually for their own safety. The purpose of this is to monitor the health of the ovaries and the health of the lining of the womb (endometrial thickness). An increase in the thickness of the womb is linked with endometrial cancer, therefore it is of paramount importance that this is monitored. Too much estrogen can increase this thickness, therefore we need to monitor this in order to ensure your hormone dose is safe for you.

What to expect

The PUS scan uses high frequency sound waves to create an image of the reproductive organs. The purpose of the ultrasound is to examine the womb, ovaries and pelvic region to assess overall endometrium health. The ultrasound is carried out by a sonographer and is performed by inserting a small probe into the vagina. You will be required to lie down with your knees bent, as for any internal examination. The results of the report and images will be drawn up by our sonographer and sent to your doctor ready for your next appointment.

  • When should I have a PUS? Every new patient must have an ultrasound after their initial consultation. Thereafter our quality of care standards require that patients have a PUS annually for their own safety – to learn more click here 
  • Where can I have a PUS? At Oryon Imaging Lister House, 11-12 Wimpole St, Marylebone, London W1G 9ST
  • Referral: You can arrange the referral and pay for your appointment through the Marion Gluck Clinic Team
  • Availability: Tuesday to Thursday 
  • Cost: £320 – to be paid in advance

How should I prepare for my PUS?

  • Empty bladder: You must have an empty bladder. Please refrain from drinking for up to 30 minutes prior to your appointment
  • Allergies: If you have a latex allergy please let a member of the patient care team know a week in advance of your scan
  • Are there any risks? No, ultrasound scanning is safe, with no known risks as radiation is not used
  • Chaperone: If you would like a chaperone present please let the patient care team know prior to your appointment
  • Menstruation: You can still have the scan when you are menstruating
  • If you have never been sexually active please request an external abdominal scan. Note that you need a full bladder (2 pints of fluid prior to attending) for this scan
  • Special access: Should you require special access you may need to have your ultrasound elsewhere i.e. Phoenix Diagnostics




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