The Marion Gluck Clinic

Treatment schedule

While each patient and treatment plan is unique, below we have outlined some useful information to help you understand different parts of your journey with us.

Booking your appointment

When you’re ready, you can book an appointment via our website here.

Patient Initial Consultation
In your first consultation, your doctor will be there to listen to your concerns and find out how you’re feeling. They’ll also discuss your goals and the importance of hormone balance. Find out more >

Tests and Examinations
During your treatment at the clinic and especially in your first consultation, your doctor may request a number of blood tests and other examinations such as a Pelvic Ultrasound Scan and mammogram. These enable them to gain a full picture of your health and hormones. If you have a Pelvic Ultrasound Scan or mammogram dated within the last year please bring them to your first consultation. If you haven’t, don’t worry, we’re here to help you organise a referral to have these carried out by one of our partner clinics. Please note these would be charged separately to your appointment. Your doctor will want to see the results of these examinations before they prescribe you hormones, therefore, your next appointment may only take place 1 to 2 weeks after your first.

Patient Follow-up
In your follow-up, your doctor will explain the results of your blood tests and examinations. Together you’ll review your options and they’ll design your personalised prescription and treatment plan. Find out more >

Naturopathic Consultation
Your doctor may recommend you to our Naturopath, Vera Martins. The philosophy of Naturopathy is that given the right conditions, the body has an innate ability to restore itself. Optimising your health will improve the way you metabolise your hormones and will therefore aid hormone balance.

Ordering your prescription
Once your doctor has issued you a prescription, they’ll send it through to the Specialist Pharmacy who will let you know when it is ready to order. This is normally within 24hrs so if you haven’t heard anything, please do let us know. Remember to order your medication before your prescription expires (why would my prescription expire?).

Repeat Prescriptions
Your doctor will have issued you enough medication to last you until your next appointment so don’t forget to look out for the number of repeat prescriptions you have been issued.

Starting your medication
Once you start your medication you should start feeling better pretty quickly – most of our patients feel the positive effects of their hormone treatment within the first couple of days. However, bear in mind that it can take up to 6 weeks to feel the full benefit. Therefore, within the first few weeks of treatment you may still experience your symptoms. If symptoms persist after this period we would advise booking a follow up with your doctor.

Symptoms & side effects
We’d like to reassure you that side effects whilst on bio-identical hormones are rare. However, should you experience any mild sensitivity to the medication during the course of your treatment, please refer to the guide below.






  • Breast tenderness
  • Spotting
  • Missed periods
  • Headaches and nausea (rare)
  • All other premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms

For breast tenderness stop taking the medication and wait until symptoms have cleared before gradually restarting the medication.

For all other mild symptoms, continue taking the medication until symptoms have cleared.


  • Bloating and fluid retention
  • Breast tenderness
  • Spotting or an unex- pected period
  • All other premenstrual syndrome (pMs) symptoms

Stop taking the medication and wait until symptoms have cleared before gradually restarting the medication.


  • Facial spots
  • Greasy skin
  • Hair loss (extremely rare)

Stop taking the medication and wait until symptoms have cleared before gradually restarting the medication.

For hair loss, do not restart medication and inform your doctor.


  • Facial spots
  • Feeling wired or agitated
  • Hair loss (extremely rare)

Stop taking the medication and wait until symptoms have cleared before gradually restarting the medication.

For hair loss, do not restart medication and inform your doctor.


Medical Advice
While our doctors will be there to help you every step of the way, please note that our doctors cannot provide consultation advice via email. All advice must be by prearranged consultation, either in person or over the phone. 20 minute telephone consultations (£140) are available for Patient Follow up and Patient Initial Consultations and annual follow up must be done in person.


You can rest assured that there are no emergencies with BHRT treatment, however if you do experience any unwanted symptoms or side effects please refer to our guide. For urgent queries a member of our clinical team will be on call during our opening hours. Contact our doctor on call now. During out of office hours, please contact your primary care provider or local hospital.


Ongoing Follow up
In your first year of being a patient you may have a follow up as often as every 3 months. You may also have blood tests and other examinations at each of these consultations. The reason for this is that it may take a while to find the perfect hormone dose that balances your hormones and reduces your symptoms. Once your treatment is working well and balance is achieved, we may only need to see you once a year.

3 Month Follow up
Your doctor will ask you to book in for a 20-minute two to three months after your initial follow-up. This appointment can take place in person or over the phone and enables your doctor to review progress and make any adjustments to your medication.

6 Month Follow up
Your six-month follow-up appointment will also take the form of a 20-minute and will feature a full review of progress. Your doctor may advise further tests, adjust medication as required and issue repeats.

Annual Follow up
Just like a lot can happen in your life in a year this is just the same for your hormones! Your needs change as you age so we’ll need to monitor this annually to ensure your treatment is still working for you. In order to ensure you get the very best care we will need to see you face-to-face at least once a year and this will generally be for your annual follow up. Please note that if you do not see your doctor for more than 2 years, we will need to treat you as a new patient and you’ll need to book a new Patient Initial Consultation (£300).

We hope this has helped you understand your patient journey, should you have any further questions please visit our FAQ page.



Once you're ready to start your journey to better health and balance, you can book your first appointment online in a matter of minutes.

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If you have seen a Marion Gluck Clinic Doctor in the last 12 months and are happy on your current treatment plan, you can use this quick and easy service to get a prescription refill.

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