The Marion Gluck Clinic


The Happy Hormones Podcast

Hormones regulate so many aspects of our daily lives. But how do they actually work? Join us as we explore the vital role that hormonal balance can play in your emotional and physical health. We’re joined by a group of Marion Gluck Clinic doctors who have dedicated themselves to helping people get the most out of their lives through hormone balancing.

Episode 1: What are hormones? An Introduction with Dr. Ghazala Aziz-Scott

Dr. Aziz-Scott talks us through what hormones are, what role they play in how you feel on a day-to-day basis and what happens when they get out of balance.

Episode 2: What comes before menopause? Some facts about perimenopause

Menopause doesn’t just happen from one day to the next. In fact, there’s a stage called perimenopause that comes right beforehand. Join Dr. Aziz-Scott as we discuss this important transition phase.

Episode 3: Should I undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy? Part 1: The Benefits

There is understandably some confusion around Hormone Replacement Therapy, given its long and sometimes contraversial history. Dr Aziz-Scott discusses the reasons why you might want to consider undergoing HRT.

Episode 4: Should I undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy? Part 2: The Risks

There is understandably some confusion around Hormone Replacement Therapy, given its long and sometimes contraversial history. Dr Monica Lascar discusses the risks of HRT and why these may have been exacerbated.

Episode 5: Can men go through the menopause? The differences between andropause and menopause

Dr. Monica Lascar discusses Andropause, the natural decline in sex hormones experienced by men as they age and why it has been treated so differently to menopause by the medical community and society alike.



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