When it comes to the menopause there is a lot of misinformation to be found out there on the internet, in publications, and beyond. This can often lead to undue stress and anxiety for women approaching this phase in their life.
This year, the Women and Equalities Committee found that women were being let down by the government’s lack of support for those going through the transition. The menopause marks a significant milestone for women, which can bring about profound changes. But it’s essential to recognise that it’s a natural stage of growing older as your body’s hormone levels decrease.
For this World Menopause Month we want to focus on debunking some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the menopause and the available treatments out there for women. So let’s get to it:
Myth #1
Menopause Symptoms Begin After 50
Although the average age for menopause in the UK is 52 it can happen at a variety of ages, usually in women between 45 – 55 years old. But, like with most situations regarding health, everybody is different.
Many women assume that the menopause begins as soon as your menstrual cycle has stopped. In fact your menstrual cycle stops due to a natural drop in oestrogen and progesterone, which is a process known as perimenopause. Not until your periods have stopped for a full 12 months have you entered the menopause. Although, common symptoms such as fatigue and decreased sex drive can begin at the perimenopause stage.
Myth #2
The Menopause Only Affects You Physically
We are all aware of the hot flushes that are commonly associated with menopausal changes but there are many lesser known symptoms that can occur. In particular those that affect women emotionally and psychologically. Memory loss, mood swings, anger, anxiety and depression can all be symptoms of the menopause that are not spoken about quite as often and can be a surprise for women.
This can be incredibly isolating for those who feel they are going through these changes alone. That’s why it’s vital to make sure that you are getting the correct treatment for all your symptoms to improve your quality of life and mental well being.
Myth #3
Only Severe Menopause Symptoms Need to be Treated
When it comes to health, many women suffer in silence, not wanting to make a fuss in the face of dismissive and dated attitudes towards the menopause.
Historically, women’s health has routinely been sidelined or deemed less important than conditions that affect only men or problems that affect both sexes. Such attitudes can lead women to believe that only extreme symptoms warrant attention and stop them from seeking the help they need. It is important to remember that no matter the severity of your symptoms, help is available.
Myth #4
Traditional HRT is the Most Effective Treatment
There are many different types of treatment for the menopause, but with many untested or unregulated supplements and remedies touted as the new miracle cure online it can be hard to know what actually works. Traditional HRT is often seen as the only option for effective treatment, but this is simply not the case.
“Our online culture means that treatments that pose as bioidentical HRT are readily available but we cannot be sure of the quality and the exact content as the pharmacies that produce them may be unregulated. The Specialist Pharmacy attached to the Marion Gluck Clinic is registered and regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council with production of the highest standard so we can guarantee the BHRT produced.”
Dr Ghazala, Marion Gluck Clinic
At the Marion Gluck Clinic our bespoke treatment plans make use of bioidentical hormones to treat the menopause, in what is known as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Many women prefer BHRT as it is a more natural alternative to traditional HRT. Unlike HRT, which uses synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are derived from Mexican yams or soy which is then converted into hormones that are chemically identical to the ones produced by your body.
BHRT has many benefits, including relieving symptoms of the menopause, slowing down aging and improving your overall wellbeing. As these hormones are identical to our own they offer women less side effects than synthetically made HRT and allow for better absorption in the body.
BHRT also offers better relief from symptoms due the ability to provide individualised doses and personalised treatment plans with proven results. You can find out more about whether bioidentical hormones are right for you in our comprehensive BHRT explainer guide.
Myth #5
Hormone Replacement Therapies Are Unsafe
HRT is sometimes portrayed in a negative light due to the perception that it can increase your risk of developing diseases such as breast cancer.
However this is not the truth, and the misinformation surrounding it in outdated studies and media scaremongering can cause women to put up with symptoms instead of finding the right treatment. A 2019 review of 58 published and unpublished studies by medical journal The Lancet found that synthetic HRT may slightly increase your risk of breast cancer. However the risk is minute and there are many other factors that come into consideration such as age, genetics and a person’s lifestyle that lead to the disease. In addition, none of the studies included natural progesterone. Used in our customsied BHRT formulations, it is proven to be an extremely safe and effective treatment for the menopause.
No women going through the menopause should have to worry about risking their health in order to relieve their symptoms. As long as your treatment is prescribed by a qualified doctor who understands your medical history you have nothing to worry about.
The Marion Gluck Approach to the Menopause
For this World Menopause Month we want women to feel empowered and in control of their menopause journey. We know when it comes to hormones there is no one size fits all approach and every individual woman is different. That’s why we use the very best in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to cater to the wide range of symptoms each woman can experience, rebalancing their hormones so they can feel like themselves again.
Here at Marion Gluck we offer bespoke treatment plans, prescribed by our renowned team of hormone doctors, to ensure that you get the personalised treatment that is right for you.
If you are looking for help in managing symptoms of the menopause then get in touch via the website and book a consultation today.