The Marion Gluck Clinic

The Hormone Doctor


An Interview with Dr Marion Gluck: The Results

In an interview with Dr Marion Gluck, who first encountered bio-identical hormones in Australia, decided to pioneer this in England and Europe. She has been working with bio-identical hormones for fifteen years and started the Marion Gluck Clinic in London. The clinic, compromising of Dr Gluck, Dr Jan Toledano and Dr Anu Arasu, specialises in using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to balance hormones and improve the health and happiness of patients.

Non-synthetic, bio-identical hormones, occupy the same molecular structure as bodily hormones resulting in easily being identified by the body.  At the clinic, progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone are specifically tailored for each patient and safely given to help restore balance in patients. Bio-identical hormones have very few side effects and are effective in providing individualised prescriptions for each patient as everyone is different.

At the Marion Gluck Clinic, women aged between 40-60 years old who are experiencing trouble sleeping, night sweats, hot flushes and anxiety are often patients at the clinic.  These symptoms are often a result of ageing, as with increasing age natural hormone levels reduce in men and women. Hormone balance in both women and men enables patients to feel normal again through restoring balance in their endocrine system which regulates bodily functions.

In that respect, men can also take bio-identical hormones. Andropause, often described as male menopause often requires testosterone replacement which helps improve libido, energy and muscle mass.

If you would like more information or to make an appointment please call the Marion Gluck Clinic on 0207 402 2151 or email us on secretary@mariongluckclinic.com.

You can also view a similar article on The Times 

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