The pioneer in bio-identical hormones, Dr Marion Gluck, aims to treat each individual separately. Bio-identical hormones, made from plant derivatives, have a similar molecular structure to those found in the human body resulting in minimal side effects.
The tailored prescription is made specifically for the individual depending on their needs. Bio-identical hormones are available but it is important to locate where to find them. Dr Marion Gluck, uses a combination of oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA to create over 200 bespoke formulations. This helps each individual find what they are looking for as one size does not fit all. Dr Marion Gluck further suggests that maintaining health is also linked to hormone balance as frequent health checks can result in preventing symptoms through early treatment. The treatment also helps with other consequences of hormonal decline including hair loss and ‘crocodile’ skin.
Currently, on the NHS, hormonal imbalance is often treated with HRT or the Pill of which are made up of synthetic hormones. Dr Marion Gluck, at her West London Clinic ( treats a range of hormone-based conditions including teenage acne and menopausal mood swings using her expertise in bio-identical hormones.