The Marion Gluck Clinic


The Signs of Endometriosis & How to Treat Them

What are the signs of endometriosis - a women holding her stomach

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and girls across the world and is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK. The condition can cause severe pain and lead to fertility issues. However, getting a diagnosis can take time, and many women endure symptoms for years before receiving the right treatment to manage them.

At the Marion Gluck Clinic, we are the UK’s leading hormone clinic for complex hormone conditions such as endometriosis. Our team of expert hormone doctors are here to help women take control of their symptoms and improve their quality of life. As March marks Endometriosis Awareness Month, we would like to bring attention to this condition and answer the question: What are the signs of endometriosis? 

This blog is for those who may be experiencing symptoms and to find out more about the signs and symptoms or have been diagnosed and want to know more about treatment. Let’s begin by explaining what endometriosis is.


What is Endometriosis?


Endometriosis is a hormonal condition that affects women and girls who menstruate. It occurs most often between the ages of 15 and 44 but can affect women of any age from puberty through to menopause. It is a chronic condition where tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other parts of the body, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, bladder, and, in rare cases, even the pelvic area. 

Hormonal fluctuations in a woman’s menstrual cycle are what stimulate tissue growth which causes mild to severe pain, swelling, inflammation, and scar tissue to develop. This can lead to incredibly painful periods, abdominal pain, pain during sex, and fertility issues, as the scar tissue can prevent eggs from entering the fallopian tubes. There is currently no cure for the condition, but the symptoms can be effectively managed and treated through both hormone therapy and surgery.


The Road to Diagnosis


For many women, the journey to diagnosis can be a long one. A recent study revealed that the average time to get a diagnosis is 8 years and 10 months. The symptoms of endometriosis are complex and can overlap with other hormonal conditions, making diagnosis more difficult.

Additionally, a GP cannot diagnose the condition based on symptoms alone. To receive an official diagnosis, women must be referred to a specialist and undergo a laparoscopy, otherwise known as keyhole surgery.

This is a minimally invasive procedure where a camera is inserted into the abdominal or pelvic area through a small incision, allowing doctors to look for signs of the condition. If found, the extra tissue may also be removed to improve symptoms.

This is why recognising the signs is vital so that you can get the treatment you need as soon as possible, instead of putting up with painful symptoms for years. So, what are the signs of endometriosis to look out for? Here we explain. 


What Are the Signs of Endometriosis?


1. Pelvic Pain (Especially During Periods)

The most common symptom is often more intense than regular menstrual cramps which is caused by the shedding and bleeding of the abnormal tissue growth outside the uterus. 

2. Pain During or After Sex (Dyspareunia)

Endometrial scarring in the pelvic area and organs can press against them during intercourse making penetration painful. 

3. Heavy or Irregular Periods

Hormonal imbalances from the abnormal tissue growth can interfere with the way the uterus sheds its lining leading to excessive bleeding or spotting between cycles.

4. Pain with Bowel Movements or Urination

If endometrial growths form on the bladder or intestines, they can cause irritation, making bathroom trips painful.

5. Difficulty Conceiving

Scarring, blockages, or inflammation in the fallopian tubes or ovaries may prevent eggs from being released or fertilised.

6. Fatigue

Chronic inflammation can leave the body feeling drained and exhausted.

7. Bloating & Nausea 

Commonly referred to as Endo Belly, this type of inflammation can affect the digestive system, leading to bloating, stomach discomfort, and nausea.

If you’re struggling with these symptoms, you’re not alone. Endometriosis is often misunderstood, but getting the right support and treatment can make a big difference to your quality of life. 


How to Treat Endometriosis


While there is no cure for endometriosis, the condition can be managed by balancing your hormones. An increase in oestrogen before ovulation is what stimulates the tissue growth in a woman’s body and contributes to the symptoms of endometriosis. Progesterone helps to counteract this, and by rebalancing your hormones with progesterone, your symptoms can be effectively managed.  

“Here at The Marion Cluck Clinic, we are experts in treating a wide range of complex hormone conditions for both women and men. Whether you have been diagnosed with endometriosis or suspect you may have it, we are here to help. Our hormone specialists will review your symptoms through our online or in-person consultations, blood tests and extensive hormone testing to get an in-depth picture of your health and prescribe the best form of treatment.”

Our comprehensive testing can identify whether you are experiencing the signs of endometriosis and rule out any other hormonal issues that may be the root cause. We have helped thousands of women take control of their endometriosis through pioneering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, which uses a more natural form of HRT for highly effective and long-lasting relief.

If you are experiencing signs of endometriosis, book an online appointment with our expert hormone doctors and begin your treatment journey to feeling better now.



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