The Marion Gluck Clinic


Mental Health and Menopause: How BHRT Can Help

Happy woman because she found the BHRT to improve Mental Health and the Menopause

It’s no secret that the thought of menopause can be anxiety-inducing for women nearing their forties and fifties. The many symptoms and changes that can occur are very hard to adapt to and can have a very real impact on a woman’s quality of life. While symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain and lack of sex drive are routinely spoken about, the impact on a woman’s mental health is a much less explored topic. 

Mental health and the menopause are intrinsically linked. As women age and their hormone levels change, many can struggle with their mental health. So, as this month includes Mental Health Awareness Week (13th to 19th May), we’ve taken a look at the link in more detail, and explained how BHRT can be used to help.


Eye-Opening Statistics


The effect of the menopause, like many women’s health issues, has been historically underestimated. The vast majority of women will experience symptoms associated with menopause, with around 85% of women reporting symptoms. However, recent research suggests the proportion of women who experience mental health issues when going through the menopause is actually closer to 9 in 10. Unfortunately, mental health struggles are the reality for women during the menopause, and more needs to be done to help them navigate this time in their lives.

A ‘Post Reproductive Health’ study found that 90% of menopausal women were never taught about it at school, even though every one of them would inevitably go through this transition at a later stage in their life. Furthermore, it was found that 60% of women only started looking for information once they started experiencing symptoms. This study highlights the massive lack of education around women’s health and menopause. While attitudes are slowly changing, this has meant that countless women have not received the treatment they require.


Effects of the Menopause On Mental Health


Mental health issues when going through the menopause can manifest in a variety of ways, but the most common issues include:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Irritability and anger
  • Loss of confidence or low self-esteem
  • Lack of motivation and energy
  • Increase in fears and phobias


With the limited dialogue around mental health and the menopause, many women who are suffering from such symptoms may not understand why they are feeling this way, and may not realise it is to do with the menopause at all. 


Hormonal Imbalances


The cause of most mental health issues during menopause? A change in hormone levels.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are three hormones that are essential for general wellbeing, but they naturally decrease during menopause.This dip can lead to a low mood, anxiety, and fatigue. Also, when the levels of particular hormones fall, so does the amount of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that acts as a hormone) in the body. Produced in the brain, serotonin controls a person’s mood, so a lack of it can cause anxiety and depression.

For more information on how hormonal imbalances can cause mental health issues then visit The Menopause Charity which has some excellent information and resources. 


A Self-perpetuating Cycle


With mental health and the menopause, it can become a vicious circle. The hormonal changes experienced by women during menopause lead to a decline in mental health. This, in turn, can cause feelings of anxiety, or even anger, which then exacerbates the situation and further worsens an individual’s mental health.

While it is directly affected by hormonal changes, other symptoms of menopause can have a knock-on effect on a woman’s mental health too. Vaginal dryness, pain during sex, and a lack of libido can all cause worry and anxiety, particularly if it’s affecting sexual intercourse. Many women with menopause also have difficulty sleeping and have insomnia, which can have mental health implications. All such such problems feed into the notion of a self-perpetuating cycle.


What is the Answer?


The misinformation surrounding menopause is vast, which makes it all the harder for women to source the treatment that is right for them.

Mental health is a complex issue. While practising self-care, following a healthy hormone-friendly diet, and an exercise regimen can help manage menopause symptoms, some hormone imbalances may need to be treated using hormone therapy.

One such therapy, that has successfully helped many women re-balance their hormones and alleviate the unwanted symptoms of menopause, is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).


How BHRT Can Help You


For those worried about the synthetic nature or side effects of hormone replacement therapy, BHRT offers a more natural alternative. Unlike traditional HRT, the bioidentical hormones used in BHRT are made from plant-based ingredients. Sourced from Mexican yams, the hormones have the same chemical structure as the ones produced in your body.

This means that when you use BHRT, your body reacts in exactly the same way as it would to your own hormones, ensuring its effectiveness and reducing the risk of undesirable side effects. It works by replenishing the hormones in your body that have been lost due to menopause. 


So how long will it take to see results?

For most people, they will start to see improvement in their symptoms in as little as 2 weeks, but of course, this will vary from person to person.


“Every woman’s menopause journey is unique, which is why at Marion Gluck, we offer personalised prescriptions that are individually tailored to you and your symptoms, ensuring the very best treatment option possible. As well as alleviating your menopause symptoms, BHRT has also been shown to improve your cardiovascular health, reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis, and benefit mental health.” 


– Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott

Looking for more information? Read our blog on BHRT and The Menopause or find out more about what to expect at our hormone clinic here

If you are experiencing symptoms of menopause and are looking for an effective hormonal balancing treatment, then book an online consultation with our expert hormone doctors now.



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